
Gearing Up.

Peace Hills General Insurance Company 2023 Annual Report
Bicycles are a symbol of progress, renewal, and promising times ahead, while gears are often used to illustrate exceptional times of hard work and innovation. Peace Hills is experiencing all of this; 2023 was a year of exploration and significant preparation for the journey ahead and we are excited about what is to come. Welcome to our 2023 annual report.

Chairman's Message

On behalf of the entire board, I am so pleased to present this year’s annual report, Gearing Up, and my first official Chairman’s Message for Peace Hills Insurance. To start, I want to express how proud I am of the accomplishments this company realized in 2023. I must further acknowledge the dedication and remarkable leadership of my predecessor, former Chairman, Marvin Yellowbird. We are collectively grateful for his dedication to Peace Hills Insurance. Also, it is with deep gratitude that we acknowledge the invaluable contribution of Elder John Crier and thank him for the years of service he has given to the Board and the Company. We welcome and embark on this journey alongside our new Elder, Donna Potts-Johnson. Donna brings a wealth of experience and insight, and we so look forward to her guidance and contributions. In reviewing and deliberating on our Vision, Mission, and Values, I am reminded of the profound legacy upon which Peace Hills Insurance was built. Created over a decade ago, these statements continue to guide us. As we move forward and gear up for the future, an overall theme remains clear: building upon the foundation laid by our previous leadership and honouring the original vision of Peace Hills Insurance. In terms of financial growth and results, I am pleased to report that Peace Hills Insurance is in a healthy position. Our company continues to thrive, thanks to the hard work and dedication from all facets of the business, from the front-line staff to the executive team, our dedicated broker partners, reliable vendors, and supportive reinsurance providers. The collective efforts from all allows us to continue giving back to our shareholders, including the ability to honour preceding leadership through various initiatives and awards. However, this success was not without some challenges. The past year has presented us with unpredictable and extreme weather events, which are only expected to increase in both severity and frequency over time. Additionally, managing the workload of building a new system while maintaining daily operations has been a significant undertaking. Our staff has never been harder at work, and I would like to express my gratitude for their tireless efforts. As Marvin famously reminded us in the Peace Hills 40th Anniversary video, “Our leaders had a vision to hold and own an insurance company in almost perpetuity. This investment is for the benefit of the children, and the children’s children, and the children’s children.” The entire Board of Directors is proud to carry forward this foundational vision, allowing it to steer us in ensuring that Peace Hills remains a well-respected, profitable provider of general insurance, and one that truly cares.
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