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CEO Report
The Executive team remains hopeful that we are entering the endemic stage of COVID-19 and that it no longer needs to be at the forefront of our operational narrative. That being said, its shadow continued to loom over us throughout 2021, and thus influenced a number of our people and processes. We further developed our library of technological offerings that enable a more effective remote work environment, including Microsoft 365, encrypted laptops, and a new phone system. Additionally, in following trends being set around the world, we implemented a company-wide vaccination policy with accompanying protocols; we are proud that 98.6% of our workforce are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, making us optimistic for a safe and swift return to work when we are able to do so. When our staff do return to work, we have put in place newly designed working arrangements that will promote work-life balance and better align with new expectations that are emerging after spending two years at home. These arrangements include either hybrid, in-office or flexible, and we look forward to implementing them in 2022.
As for responding to the fluid needs of our customers and brokers, we continue to seek innovative approaches to enhance our service. In 2021 we expanded the availability and capability of Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT), strengthened relationships with vendors that facilitate our desire to offer a paperless experience (ie: AskSage and My Proof of Insurance), and maintained our service levels, availability, and personal contact despite working remotely.